Ready to Walk?


Graduation is approaching faster than you think, but some seniors might not meet the requirements on time.  

It is important for seniors to meet all the graduation requirements before the end of the school year. Without reaching those requirements, they would be unable to graduate from Paxon. It is important for everyone to determine if they will meet the necessary requirements for graduation, and if anyone realizes that they do not have what they need, they can speak to their guidance counselor to help fix that.

The graduation requirements for the AP/Honors program are as follows: 4 English credits, 4 Math credits, 4 Science credits (1 Biology, 2 Physical Science, and 1 additional), 4 Social Studies (1 World History, 1 American History, .5 American Government, .5 Economics, and 1 additional), 2 World Language in the same language, 1 visual/performing art, HOPE, 4 credits in additional electives, 1 online class, a minimum of 7 AP credits, passing scores on the FSA Grade 10 Reading/Math and state EOCs (Algebra 1, and Biology), a cumulative unweighted 2.0 GPA, and a minimum of 75 hours of community service.

The requirements for the IB program are 4 English credits (honors or higher with at least 1 AP or IB course), 4 Math credits (honors or higher with at least 1 AP or IB course), 4 Sciences (honors or higher with at least 1 IB or AP lab science), 4 Social Studies credits (Honors or higher with at least 1 IB or AP course), 4 World Language credits in the same language, Theory of Knowledge, 9 arts/electives, completion of the extended essay, completion of the CAS requirement, completion of all IB assessments, passing score on the FSA Grade 10 Reading/Math and state EOCs (Algebra 1, and Biology), cumulative unweighted GPA of 2.0, and 75 minimum hours of community service.


Seniors who are not ready to graduate may only be missing something small that can be completed, which is why it is important to knock it out sooner, so you don’t need to worry about it later.


A Lonely Learning Lab


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