It’s Time for Change. Politicians Are Too Old.

An age-old question shows new life.  

Drew Angerer, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

One of the only topics Republicans and Democrats can agree on is that American politicians are too old. After numerous instances of political leaders appearing frail and disoriented this year, a growing number of citizens share a similar belief: Politicians need age limits.  

 No matter the political affiliation, age, or gender, people are not confident in elderly politicians. 73% of Americans, nearly three-quarters of the population, think there should be a maximum age limit on elected officials, according to a CBS News/YouGov poll.  

President Joe Biden, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

At 81 years old, Joe Biden is the oldest president to hold office. One of the oldest members of the Senate, Dianne Feinstein, passed away this year at the age of 90. Mitch McConnell, who has had multiple “freezing” episodes in public, is 81. The bottom line is these politicians are too old to represent the United States.  

As someone who will turn 18 in 2024, I share a common concern with the other projected 9 million first-time voters: The likely candidates do not represent the beliefs of young people in America. Older politicians run the country, and while they claim to work hard towards addressing issues concerning younger Americans, they do not execute on these statements.  

Office of Senator Bill Cassidy, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

A significant part of Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign was appealing to young voters, as he stated he would prioritize the transfer from fossil fuels to renewable energy. He has made strides toward that goal, but minimal gains are irrelevant when the Willow Project, a very harmful oil drilling project, was approved by President Biden.  

As we see the negative effects of older politicians holding power in office, the demand for younger representation is on the rise. 47% of Americans believe electing younger people would improve politics, as shown in a survey done by CBS News. It is safe to assume that with the emergence of younger voters, this percentage will continue to climb. There are 68.6 million Gen Zs in America, 20% of the population, according to the United States Census Bureau

Pew Reseach Center, Fair use,

Young people are more educated than ever. They show up to vote, doing everything they can to make their voices heard, yet there is still a lack of proper representation. 83% of the generation believe college education is important, as shown in new data from the State of American Youth Survey. Considering these statistics, why shouldn’t there be an age limit on who can run for and hold government positions, as well as lowering the age requirement, to give a voice to the most educated generation? 


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